Frequently Asked Questions in our retail brick & mortar store front and online!

Do you buy/consign clothing?

Yes! We buy outright, we do not consign. We buy vintage clothing, so anything produced 20 years or older. We aim to buy for the season. You can get an idea of what we are looking for by browsing our website or shopping the racks in-store. If you bring items in we will sort through them and make you a cash and store credit offer for the items we are interested in. Our instagram has a list of the day we are buying on our highlights, but we are generally buying on Weds & Fridays.

Why is this item so expensive? 

Vintage items are priced on rarity, condition, size and current market price. We generally price items 10-20% lower than what you will find online. 

Where do you find your items?

Clem, the owner, hand-picks every item for the store. He often goes to flea markets, estate sales, and yard sales. Occasionally he buys wholesale from other vintage sellers around the country. Also, people bring items into the store to sell almost everyday!

Can I get a discount? Can you work with me on the price of this item?

We do not offer discounts and all of our items are priced fairly. You’ll also find that there is a large selection of items on sale throughout the store and on our website. In addition to items on sale, we have a $10 rack outside that is added to throughout the week.

How often do you get new items in?

Pretty much everyday! 

Do you have X item? Can you let me know when you find X item?

We are unable to keep track of all of our customers requests and wishlists. Please turn on post notifications on instagram and check out website daily. We list new items daily on our website and Instagram story. All items are first come, first serve.

Can you hold this for me?

We do not offer holds, but we do offer free in-store pickup. When you purchase an item online please select “free in-store pickup” at checkout. This way once you complete checkout and pay in full, we will pull the item immediately and hold it for you until you can come pick it up!

Do you have this item? I’m seeing it on the website, but not seeing it in-store.

That may be an item we have in our back-stock. We have a small storefront, so we are only able to have about 1/4 of our inventory on the floor at a time. If an item on the website shows as instock, but it is not on the floor, we are happy to pull it for you and have it available in-store the next business day. Just leave your name and number and we will notify you when it is in-store.

Do you have any (out of season item)?

Yes! Because we have such a small store, we flip our inventory seasonally. So all of our out-of-season items are available, but packed away in our back-stock. If you see something specific on the website you would like to check out, we are happy to pull it for you and have it ready next business day, or you can order it online.

How long have you guys been here/open?

We’ve been in business since 2016. We started online, opened a store that was on Broad Street from August 2019-March 2020. We closed just before COVID hit. During that time we rebuilt our website and focused on ecommerce until it was safe to look for a new retail location. This spot opened up and we hopped on it! We’ve been in this building for 2 years.

Are the items on the racks sorted by size? 

No, vintage sizing tends to run all over the place, so we sort by color. On our CobbleStore retail tags you will see we have exact measurements as well as modern day fit. However, our pants are sorted by waist size. If any other measurements are needed we are happy to take those for you. 

Do you have a bathroom?

No, however Mocha Gourmet right down the block on the next corner does!

Do you have a changing room?

Yes! This curtain in the corner swings right around. Feel free to try anything on in the store!

Do you have a website?

Yes! Everything you see here in store is also on our website! Our store is so small that we can only fit about 1/4 of our entire online inventory in here at a time. So we cycle stuff in/out frequently and seasonally. cobblestore.com